quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010

CARGOcasa 2010 artists’ residences 

The CARGOcasa artists’ residence projected for the year 2010 in Oporto city, will be reserved for artists, pedagogs, festival programers, sea-far people, art historians, philosophers, film-makers and writers who have a precise project that is in harmony with the vision of the CARGOTOPIA project but independent from the CARGOTOPIA festival.
This is the 1st of a cycle of residences planned from the year 2010 until 2012.


From 13 to 23 September 2010

1 comentário:

La Muse d'Ô disse...

Hi, how is it possible to contact you, I can't get your mail?
I'm part of a french sailing theater project and an international network of 70 artists. We will go in portugal in october/november 2010. I would like to told you much more,
My email : isadivag@hotmail.com